Assiya Khairulina

  • Assiya Khairulina is a watercolour artist whose art intertwines sensations and synaesthesia, producing unique and stunning pieces. Family traditions inspire her creativity, as her father was a renowned watercolourist.

    The education she received at a local art school and the Theatre and Art Institute shaped her as an artist and gave her a deeper understanding of art and its various facets. A placement at the Ilya Repin Saint Petersburg State Academy of Fine Arts furthered her education and provided new insights into her artistic practice.

    It's particularly noteworthy to mention Khairulina's participation in major international art initiatives, projects, and exhibitions. The artist is a member of the ‘Bridge’ Artists' Association and the American organisation CASE.

    Khairulina's work in watercolour is remarkable for its experimental and unpredictable nature. She views watercolour as a medium to explore new worlds and dimensions, and her works often come alive, merging the visual with the musical and evoking profound emotional responses from viewers.


Temirkhan Ordabekov


Nurlan Bazhirov